HANOI-(IDB) : The European
Union defense company MBDA will provide VL MICA air defense missile
systems on ships and Latest generation anti-ship missiles Excocet Block 3
for 2 Vietnam missile corvette's SIGMA 9814, French business weekly
said on 3/10.
The newspaper quoted the CEO of MBDA, Antoine Bouvier said in a hearing before members of the National Assembly Defense Committee said that France, now, waiting MBDA signed three major contracts for defense foreign customers, including Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and a new customer of the French defense industry is Vietnam .
According to Bouvier, MBDA will be joining equipped air defense system on the vessels VL MICA and advanced anti-ship missiles, Exocet Block 3 for 2 stealth corvette SIGMA 9814 by Dutch Shipyard DSNS created for Vietnam. The agreement near future is highly MBDA, help them put a ticket on the market procurement of modern military equipment in Vietnam in the coming years.
Thus, disclosure of CEO of MBDA has gradually revealed the weapon system equipped with the most modern in the configuration of two SIGMA 9814 ships escorted by the Navy in Vietnam in the future .
Specifically, according to information revealed recently, to generalize about the configuration of two SIGMA 9814 ships Vietnam as follows : length 98 m and 14 m wide, equipped with vertical launch system tubes (VLS) for MBDA MICA missile, one 76mm Oto Melara main gun and Exocet anti-ship missiles.
SIGMA 9814 is equipped with combat management system TACTICOS , search radar SMART-S MK2 targets and fire control systems STING EO MK2 developed by Thales Netherlands. These are the electronic systems of the most advanced in Europe.
The system equipped with Exocet Block 3 anti-ship missile with a range of 180 km of France, synonymous with the version of the missile Kh - 35EV by Vietnam and Russia will work together to develop are not present on the ship SIGMA 9814 in the future. All of the information revealed so far shows that the Netherlands will play for Vietnam 2 warships equipped with all the standard weapons of the West.
The newspaper quoted the CEO of MBDA, Antoine Bouvier said in a hearing before members of the National Assembly Defense Committee said that France, now, waiting MBDA signed three major contracts for defense foreign customers, including Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and a new customer of the French defense industry is Vietnam .
According to Bouvier, MBDA will be joining equipped air defense system on the vessels VL MICA and advanced anti-ship missiles, Exocet Block 3 for 2 stealth corvette SIGMA 9814 by Dutch Shipyard DSNS created for Vietnam. The agreement near future is highly MBDA, help them put a ticket on the market procurement of modern military equipment in Vietnam in the coming years.
Thus, disclosure of CEO of MBDA has gradually revealed the weapon system equipped with the most modern in the configuration of two SIGMA 9814 ships escorted by the Navy in Vietnam in the future .
Specifically, according to information revealed recently, to generalize about the configuration of two SIGMA 9814 ships Vietnam as follows : length 98 m and 14 m wide, equipped with vertical launch system tubes (VLS) for MBDA MICA missile, one 76mm Oto Melara main gun and Exocet anti-ship missiles.
SIGMA 9814 is equipped with combat management system TACTICOS , search radar SMART-S MK2 targets and fire control systems STING EO MK2 developed by Thales Netherlands. These are the electronic systems of the most advanced in Europe.
The system equipped with Exocet Block 3 anti-ship missile with a range of 180 km of France, synonymous with the version of the missile Kh - 35EV by Vietnam and Russia will work together to develop are not present on the ship SIGMA 9814 in the future. All of the information revealed so far shows that the Netherlands will play for Vietnam 2 warships equipped with all the standard weapons of the West.
Source : PT
BalasHapuss300 F utk hanud , ssm pake rudal yakhont kyk nya lebih cocok.
Hapusklo anggaran pertahanan 2014 adlh Rp. 500 T, kita pasti seneng bukan main Bro!
BalasHapusVietnam keren bro bisa beli 4 kapal sigma 2 dibuat di belanda 2 di vietnam, belum lg pembelkian 5 kapal selam baru dan armada sukhoi
HapusTolong sampaikan ke negara Indonesia Mas! Supaya pd thn 2015 sektor Pertahanan bisa diberi anggaran ya min. 500 triyun lah!
Hapussoalnya anak saya dan teman2 ITB jg ITSnya mo bikin kapal destroyer kaya' punyanya amerika katanya tp terkendala bahan dan fasilitas buat penelitian... katanya mereka sudah menguasai 70% teknologi yg diperlukan Mas!...tp yg 30% butuh dana 1 trilyun utk menguasainya...
anak saya itu puinter lho Mas!... apalagi teman2nya! Sering juara di lomba robot di amerika lho Mas!
maaf ngrepotin Mas! Ama salam saya ya Mas ke negara Indonesia!... makasih Mas!
jendral darah itu
seperti itu masih kurang
pertahanan paling kuat
di dukung rudal
menengah dan
jauh..bukan tank atau
Amsterdam mampu mempecundangi Jakarta dalam pembelian korvet
artikel apaan..?ga bs dipercaya dan tdk cukup jelas,,
BalasHapuskok pada pesimis ... prajurit TNI jadi juara menang di AMRAAM di myanmar dengan 15 emas ( jumlah emas cuman 20 ) , menang terus mulai dari pertama diadakan sampe sekarang 2013 perlombaan menembak di AUSTRALIA ( PESERTA BARU 1. US NAVY 2. SAS INGGRIS 3. PASUKAN KHUSUS CHINA ) .. kapal scorpene MALINGSIAL sering rusak dan tidak berfungsi maximal karena tentara laut malingsial tidak becus merawat alutsista tersebut > protes swedia sebagai pemasok sistem persenjataannya < prancis yg buat ) .. kapal selam cakra dan nanggala tahun 70 an aja masih bisa nyelem dan operasional karena ORANG2 INDONESIA ITU HEBAT >> PT76 , KORVET PARCHIM , yg rencana renstra 2019 akan diganti semua produk lawas ... semua tergantung USERNYA BRO .. TUNGGU AJA ALUTSISTA YG AKAN DATANG KITA PASTI JAUH LEBIH HEBAT
BalasHapusrudal yakhont DIPASANG VERTIKAL DI kapal TNI fregat lawas buatan Belanda uji coba pertama sasaran 120km gagal hilang dilautan dan ditinggal begitu saja sama teknisi rusia tanpa ada catatan teknis kenapa gagal , uji coba ke 2 sasaran 180km sukses buat tenggelam kapal sasaran dengan 1x tembakan di lambung tanpa didampingi teknisi rusia .. TNI HEBAT , VIETNAM punya yakhont dikapal (produk 2009) fregatnya dipasang secara PABRIKAN sudah dari sono nya ter install di kapal tersebut ( BELUM PERNAH DI UJI COBAKAN SECARA REAL MENENGGELAMKAN SASARAN ) , f16 , hawk 100/200 , FE5 tiger yg diembargo semua suku cadangnya selama 8 tahun masih bisa nyegat f18 hornet ausie bahkan sempat mengunci dengan rudal AIM9 side winder ... ITU DULU BRO PAS GA BELI ALUTSISTA SAMA SEKALI , SEKARANG UDAH BELI SEMUA PERSENJATAAN SU27/30 , DLL LAH BANYAK POKOKNYA GA BS DISEBUTIN ATU ATU ... tunggu aja deh gelaran alutsista terbaru ultah TNI 2014 ( JAJNJI SBY , MENHAN , PANGLIMA TNI , DPR KOMISI 1 ) PISS....
BalasHapusLSM LSM pengkhianat bangsa bilang LEOPARD RI itu dari kertas .. gila ga ?? semua persenjataan alutsista yg kita beli LSM LSM bilang itu ga bs digunakan .. jerih payah bangsa membeli , merawat , menempatkan sesuai tempat yg strategis terus terusan di protes ... sama sekali ga bangga dengan prestasi TNI .. PARAH .. gitu kok LSM LSM ITU tetep tinggal di indonesia napa ga hijrah aja ke MALINGSIAL
BalasHapusBeh beh... benar2 komen bijak dan menunjukkan kwalitet no.1...
BalasHapusDpt ilmu yg huebat kaya' gitu dr mana mas theo cs?
Baru EXCOCET BLOK3 AJA DI BANGGA2 IN- malahTNIAL lebih dulu(2005)punya excocet next gen-meskipun blok2- TAPI secara SPESIFIKASI- KRITERIA- JARAK TEMBAK tidak jauh beda dg excocet blok3- belom dg YAKONT- duhh excocet blok5 pun gak bakalan mampu lawan YAKONT- ha ha ha CAMKANLAH- trms
BalasHapusMaaf bro... Exocet blok 2 punya jarak jangkau 120km sdg blok 3 punya jarak jangkau 180km jelas beda?! Exocet rudal yg sudal battle proven sejak perang malvinas,sdg yakhont belum battle proven hanya jarak jangkau dan daya hancurnya lebih dasyat ketimbang exocet. Selain perbedaan harga kedua jenis rudal tersebut,biaya perawatan juga beda. Exocete jauh lebih murah,kalo pengen murah lagi ya pake rudal persamaannya buatan cina C802 dan C803. Ibarat pesawat tempur yakhont sama dg sukhoi,exocet sama dg F16,sdg C705 sama dg golden eagle/hawk.
BalasHapusmaap nih- tidak lah feear bila kita tilai kwality jenis senjata- dilihat hanya dari sisi sudah / belum nya-dia ikut perang- batle proven- mnurut sy itu tidak fearr/proporsional-menurut saya-parameter2 laen selain sisi batleproven -musti di masukan- contoh: bukti suksesnya berkali2 YAKONT- C802-mengenai target dlm latihan- jadi bukti konkrit- ....truss untuk EXOCET yg disebut2- tidak semua sandang batle propent sprti EXOCET MM40-42blok2-3- meski masuk EXOCET family- untuk tipe terakhir belum pernah ikut perang-kecuali tipe lama EXOCET MM38 di malvinas(1982) dll- faktor kebetulan era 80 ada perang- perlu dicatat- di malvinas ada juga beberapa exocet argentin yg berhasil di kecoh- di jatohkan oleh SAM di HMS- serta FREGATE ELIET ISRAEL pun sukses ditenggelamin oleh STYX ASM2 AL mesir- jadi batle provent tidak mutlak jadi parameter tipe senjata- trims
BalasHapusMas klo emang ga bisa pake english jangan maksa atau anda masuk gol. Alayer....
Hapusfeear = fair, kwality = quality, batleproven, batle provent = battle proven, fregate eliet = frigate elite......
salam damai :)
Itu sy Sengaja -English di EYD in gitoe-Spy gak terlalu kesan formal gitu *mas/ mba ano 17.07-salam damai juga dari- motley crue
Hapusapasih ribut-ribut, Indonesia sdh punya kok exocet blok 3 cuman belum dipublikasikan, kan masuk dlm program MEF, untuk VL Mica memang rencananya dipasang di Fregate Sigma