Sabtu, Februari 22, 2014
JAKARTA-(IDB) : Amid heightening tensions between Indonesia and its immediate neighbors, Indonesian Military (TNI) chief Gen. Moeldoko is slated to visit China next week in a journey that might include a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Moeldoko told The Jakarta Post that he was scheduled to meet Chinese National Defense Minister Gen. Chang Wanquan and People’s Liberation Army (PLA) chief of general staff Gen. Fang Fenghui.

He added that a meeting with Xi, who is also chairman of the Communist Party of China’s Central Military Commission, was in the process of being arranged but had not yet been confirmed.

“Our grand topic will be how to develop military cooperation between our countries,” he said.

Moeldoko, who will depart on Sunday evening and return Friday, said Indonesia was eyeing China’s robust military industry as a potential future partner.

He added that the TNI, for example, could discuss and use Chinese weapons to complete its arsenal.

Also on the list were efforts to create stability in the South China Sea. Moeldoko stressed the need to reach a favorable situation for everyone in the region.

China is claiming most of the South China Sea pitting itself against other claimants: Brunei, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan. China also claims parts of Indonesia’s Natuna Islands.

Commenting on the planned visit, international affairs scholar Yeremia Lalisang said Indonesia should consider each step carefully since Indonesia was respected in the region and had played role as an honest broker in the South China Sea row.

He said that other countries could interpret the visit as Jakarta forging an alliance with Beijing.

“With its current position, such a visit will not be seen [by other countries] as ‘business as usual’,” he said.

“Since Indonesia allowed Chinese warships to pass through its waters after a military exercise near Australia, the visit will be interpreted as further evidence of Jakarta and Beijing’s closeness.”

Closer China-Indoneia military ties is seen as a possible threat to the interests of the US and its allies, such as Australia and the Philippines.

Therefore, Jakarta should carefully consider the implications of the visit, Yeremia told the Post.

Meanwhile, University of Indonesia international affairs expert Edy Prasetyono said the visit should not be seen as a threat by other ASEAN countries.

“Instead, Indonesia is in a position to assure China that it cannot always be in conflict with other ASEAN countries over the South China Sea issue: It will not be beneficial for China,” he said.

“If China wants to be a superpower, it should realize that its interests are supposed to be global and the South China Sea issue is only part of it. There is no use being confrontational.”

Edy also said that it was about time Indonesia formulated its relationship with China, saying both countries could be the region’s pillars, together with India and Australia.”

He also called on the TNI to delve deeper in the potential defense industry cooperation with China.

Source : JakartaPost

7 komentar:

  1. dimulai dengan paksaan pembelian senjata strategis buatan negara usa , ditambah ulah negara2 tetangga, indonesia sudah berada jalur yang benar dengan mengunjungi/berhubungan dengan negara china dan rusia dalam hal alutsista strategis buatan mereka...meskipun tak tanggung2 AS menawarkan senjata strategis mereka mulai pesawat F35, rudal patriot,bahkan kapal2 frigat dan destroyer meski kapal ini bekas pakai,semoga saja petinggi2 kita tak tergoda dengan itu semua meski hanya heli serang apache yang lolos , ingat dengan embargo!!!!! lebih baik ambil alutsista buatan rusia dan china............

  2. Seperti yg banyak ditakutkan dan dikhawatirkan para analis militer di ASEAN; INDONESIA dan CHNA sdh mulai bagi-bagi zona kavling. Tanpa Indonesia yg netral di konflik south china sea, ASEAN siap bubar jalan!
    vietnam, philipina, malaysia, dan brunei nanti bisa minta tolong singapore yg siap pimpin ASEAN dgn back up UK dan USA. Apalagi katanya serta kononnya singapore jg punya militer modern di ASEAN utk menghadapi china. Indonesia bantu doa sj sambil tunggu pembagian zona kavling baru di LCS.
    ASEAN nothing!

    1. Singapur memimpin ASEAN. Bersiap ARMED (Armada Medan) TNI di kepulauan Batam. Hujani singapura dgn peluru meriam altirely. Rudal Yankhout saja bisa melululantahkan kota di Singapore. Boro" marinir TNI masuk ke singapore. Hahaha usman harus saja bikin geger sampe sekarang.

  3. agan semua kalau mau buat perusahaan persenjataan di indonesia prospeknya gimana bisa besar gak kaya lockhed martin,atau general dynamic.

  4. Hati hati bicara dengan china pak panglima.Etnis china pakar dalam gestur tubuh itulah sebabnya mereka lihai dalam dagang.Contoh penangkapan usman harun dan kawan kawan hanya salah dalam gestur tubuh penyamaran mereka jadi ketahuan.Lagi pula china juga mengklaim natuna.Melawan china tentu tak mungkin lebih baik berkawan .Jepang saja yang sekutu barat mereka tak takut apalagi kita.Salah sedikit melangkah kita bakal ditinggalkan china juga tak akan dipercayai barat.Sungguh" fragile "posisi Indonesia.Hati hati juga penyadapan barat tentu semua mata memandang Indonesia saat ini dengan kunjungan panglima ke china.Karena panglima sudah terlanjur ke china kita cuma bisa berdoa ,langkah panglima ini membawa manfaat bagi kita bangsa Indonesia secara keseluruhan.Amin.Jangan sampai ibarat pepatah lama gajah bertarung pelanduk mati di tengah.Ayo ano ano di sini kita berdoa untuk keselamatan indonesia.

  5. He, Chin!
    Kamu hrs hati2 ma Moeldoko! Jgn mudah percaya ma dia!
    Dia itu jendral didikan barat, chin!

  6. Kalo kekuatan darat kita sudah mantap,tinggal perkuat kekuatan udara dan laut harus menjadi prioritas
