NETHERLAND-(IDB) : The Indonesian Navy Task Force for the Project Procurement of Guard
Missile Destroyer (GMD) ship or known as the Satgas PKR, has arrived in
the Netherlands on April 8, 2013. Consisting of 12 (twelve) Indonesian
Navy officers,-led by First Admiral Mulyadi-, this task force will
conduct its mission in Netherlands for the period of 24 months.
The task force team had paid a courtesy call to the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in The Hague,- H.E. Mrs. Retno L.P. Marsudi, accompanied by the Embassy’s Defence Attache, Col. Edy Sulistyadi, on Friday, 12 April 2013. During the meeting, the team explained road map of their work in the Netherlands.
As part of a signed deal between the Indonesian Ministry of Defence and the Damen Schelde Shipyard ship in Naval Shipbuilding (DSNs) Vlissingen to build 2 (two) Indonesian GMD ships, this task force will conduct its mission in assisting and supervising the construction process of the ships. The first ship will be handed over to the Government of Indonesia in January 2017, while the second one will be in October 2017. This cooperation will further strengthen bilateral relations between Indonesia and the Netherlands.
The task force team had paid a courtesy call to the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in The Hague,- H.E. Mrs. Retno L.P. Marsudi, accompanied by the Embassy’s Defence Attache, Col. Edy Sulistyadi, on Friday, 12 April 2013. During the meeting, the team explained road map of their work in the Netherlands.
As part of a signed deal between the Indonesian Ministry of Defence and the Damen Schelde Shipyard ship in Naval Shipbuilding (DSNs) Vlissingen to build 2 (two) Indonesian GMD ships, this task force will conduct its mission in assisting and supervising the construction process of the ships. The first ship will be handed over to the Government of Indonesia in January 2017, while the second one will be in October 2017. This cooperation will further strengthen bilateral relations between Indonesia and the Netherlands.
Source : KBRI Netherland
Ini nanti juga jgn dikibulin kayak di Korsel, ternyata Daewoo di protes sama HDW Jerman yg punya paten kapal selam karena akan membangun kapal selam type 209 di PT PAL Indonesia tanpa ijin.
BalasHapusWalah runyam banget kita nich.
Kenapa nggak pernah kapok dg akal2-an Strategi Global yg tentu tidak rela periuk nasinya di rebut orang.
Mending buat sendiri dari rancang bangun seperti N-250 atau N-219 di kembangkan pelan-pelan, sebelum itu beli saja dari negara yg tidak menganut sistim akal-akalan spt yg sudah-sudah.
Keledai jatuh kok berkali -kali jangan-jangan ada udang di balik baju,ya !!!
makan tuh belanda, dasar penghianat'''anjing kalian semua JENDRAL bangsat.
BalasHapusKalo kita diakalin sama bangsa lain jangan mundur/kecil hati dong. KITORANG Indonesia pandai berakal juga kan?? Ayo kita akalin mereka! Kita juga punya sifat kalo udah maunya, ya maunya kan? Jadi ayo ngotot-ngototan sama belanda kek, korea kek, jerman kek.
BalasHapusAkal-akalan, dan saling ngotot? Siapa takut? Jalankan terus proyek militer kita.
Gimana ngejalanin yaBro, apalagi otot-ototan, otot nyong punya kalau baku ngotot bisa putus. Baek baek kalau komen kitorang sedang dikadalin sama segelintir kitorang sendiri.
BalasHapusSeng ada berani ngelawan toh? Mending kitorang baku dame sambil makang papeda angat,ya toh?
kita tunggu aja kerjasama ama londo ini, toh mereka juga yg mengiyakan kerjasama ini, moga2 bagus, minimal ada hasilnya lah.
BalasHapusNgotot kan nggak perlu ngotot fisik ato ngotot militer. Ngotot juga bisa diterapkan dalam bernegosiasi. Ibaratnya kalo tuh toko nggak ngasih diskon yang kita minta, kita tongkrongin tuh toko tiap hari dari jam buka sampai jam tutup sampai dapet harga maunya kita.
BalasHapusSama juga dengan TOT. Selama belum mentok, kita harus nego terus, ngotot terus, akal2xan terus. Masalahnya kita udah pernah diakalin sama Belanda selama 350 tahun! Nah sekarang terserah bangsa kita, masih bermental jongos-minder-inlander sama mantan meneer2x kita itu? KALAU bangsa kita memang masih bermental jongos-minder-inlander sama meneer belanda, berarti saya menyerah sama suara ano2x diatas yang bernada pesimis.
Tapi kalau nggak takut sama bule, cina, yahudi, ato afrika sekalipun... ya nego terus lah, ngotot terus lah, sampai GOOOOOOOLL !!!!
Nggak perlu gembor2, thailand telah produksi fregat 90m sendiri dg bantuan Bae Inggris. kalau dg londo sulit kenapa nggak ke negara lain?