
Kamis, Mei 01, 2014

French Warship Deliveries To Russia Not Affected By Sanctions

FRENCH-(IDB) : The delivery of two French warships to Russia will not be affected by the current EU sanctions imposed in light of the situation in Ukraine, French Permanent Representative to the UN Gerard Araud told RIA Novosti Wednesday.

"At the moment they are not affected by the sanctions," he said, adding that the sanctions are only target individuals.

"Of course, if there are new sanctions, they should be respected, but so far sanctions do not affect the deliveries," Araud confirmed.

In 2011, Russia and France signed a contract worth 1.2 billion euros for the construction of two Mistral-class helicopter carriers for the Russian Navy. The first ship, the Vladivostok, built at the STX shipyard in Saint-Nazaire, is due to be delivered by the end of the year and the second, the Sevastopol, is scheduled to be handed over next year.

The ships, to be commissioned into Russia's Pacific Fleet, are capable of each carrying 16 helicopters, four landing craft, 70 armored vehicles, and 450 soldiers.

Source : Ria

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