
Kamis, Desember 19, 2013

Second Landing Helicopter Dock Ship Departs Spain, Australia Bound

DARWIN-(IDB) : Defence Minister Senator David Johnston today announced the departure of the hull of the second and last of the Royal Australian Navy’s new amphibious ships from Vigo in northern Spain.

Senator Johnston said the Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) hull will be transported to Melbourne, Australia, by the Heavy Lift Ship Blue Marlin. The hull was built at the Navantia Ferrol shipyard in Spain.

“The Canberra Class LHDs are the largest ships ever built for the Navy and will provide the Australian Defence Force with one of the most capable and sophisticated amphibious deployment capabilities in the world,” Senator Johnston said.

“This project was started by the Howard Government by the then Defence Minister Robert Hill and will produce a ship bigger than Australia’s last aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne.”

When completed the LHDs will be more than 230 metres long, 27.5 metres high and weigh around 27,500 tonnes.

Senator Johnston said each ship can carry a combined arms battle group of more than 1100 personnel, 100 armoured vehicles and 12 helicopters and features a 40-bed hospital.
“The departure of LHD02 (to be know as HMAS Adelaide) from Vigo en route for Australia marks another major milestone for the Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO), Royal Australian Navy (RAN) and the prime contractor BAE Systems.

“On arrival in Australian waters the ship will transit to Melbourne and then on to the Williamstown dockyard for consolidation of the superstructure and installation of the combat, communications and navigation systems by local ship builders BAE Systems.

“The trip is expected to take approximately eight weeks depending on weather conditions,” Senator Johnston said.

Following the completion of sea trials the vessel is currently scheduled to be delivered to the RAN in the second half of 2015.

Source : Minister

10 komentar:

  1. klo ga dipasang goalkeeper jadi makan siangnya OWA ato KCR 40-meteran TNI AL... ;)

  2. koq mirip liaoning y?xontek ni yeeee.........,.awas ktemu kilo indonesia,tar jadi besi kiloan ni kapal.

  3. ga pake payung udara ya, hajar...

  4. Itu LHP atau LPD katanya buat kapal amfibi pengangkut helikopter tapi kemungkinan bisa untuk kapal pengangkut jet tempur yang bisa landing take-off secara vertikal yaitu F-35 milik Marinir AS ,,,,
    Nah itulah yang namanya kecerdikan didalam memberikan informasi ,,, kelihatannya terbuka tapi sebenarnya tertutup,,, jangan kayak Indonesia informasi di jor buka semua ,,,,

  5. LHD PT. PAL kapan terealisir yah ???

  6. dihajar satu unit kilo class di temani beberapa KCR bakal jd terumbu karangx indonesia nih LHD ausshit haha

  7. ini mini kapal induk + plus jet tempur broo....selain multi fungsi bagus buat gebiri nkri ke depan , mereka selalu bicara ke depan kita sebaliknya contoh : KCR bisa gumpet kwkwhh.....

  8. bagaimana dgn isu bahan bakar nya, apa mereka bisa atasi?

  9. masih nge leg minyak kan? belum di dorong nuklir?

  10. bagusnya tot yata ausi and spain kossukuen karna mereka tidak ada masalah dari hadangan alih tehnologi . beda dengan indonesia sudah keliatan siapa tukang hadang TOT alih tehnologi kan ...USA . parahnya peguasa gak kapok 2... di kibulin hanya karna komisi upeti tidak peduly di kibulin , bayar kontan dulu baru 4 tahun kemudian barang bekas di kirim itu satu 3 ekor contoh f16
    kfx , ks changbogo . " beda foto kapal di atas mini kapal induk tot alih tehnologi pemesanan baru di mulai tahun januari 2012 langsung di kirim ke asutralia .
