
Senin, Oktober 14, 2013

LCS Will Begin Operations In 2018

PORT KLANG-(IDB) : Malaysia's Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) will be begin operations in 2018 and will be the main asset of the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) in safeguarding the country's waters and sovereignty, said Defence Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein.

He said six LCS will patrol the nation's waters especially in areas of high economic activity.

At the same time, he said the Defence Ministry will also procure critical assets from countries which have a close relationship with Malaysia in the defence industry.

"Procuring defence assets this way is more cost effective and faster with lower risks as compared to developing an an indigenous (defence) industry)," he told a media group, including from 

Bernama, that was specially invited to tour two of the ships here Thursday.

The LCS were the KD Kelantan and KD Laksamana Tun Abdul Jamil.

Elaborating further, Hishammuddin said the LCS initiative was a short-term measure to achieve 'self-reliant' status in developing the local defence industry and that major development like the LCS by using local companies would continue to be a model for procurement of defence assets for the nation.

He said the ministry was also making efforts to procure important assets like amphibious landing ships, fighter aircraft and tanks.

Meanwhile, he said the ministry was also drawing up plans to further boost the country's defence capabilities which among others included setting up a marine operations force and building a new RMN base in Bintulu, Sarawak.

As such, Hishammuddin said in Budget 2014, the ministry would try to get a higher allocation to enable the procurement of new assets and equipment as well as upgrading existing assets in all three branches of the armed forces with the priority given to the Eastern Sabah Safety Zone (ESSZONE).

Source : Bernama

9 komentar:

  1. Beritanya simpang siur nih... KD Kelantan adalah OPV yg basic nya dari MEKO-100 sedangkan KD Laksamana Tun Abdul Jamil adalah small missile corvettes lansiran Fincantieri yg sesungguhnya ex pesanan AL Iraq yang terkena sangsi Internasional.

    Nah LCS nya sendiri mana nih?.....

    1. hahaha...... punya gran max ngakunya alphard. =))

  2. kalo ga salah tu dari kelas fregate gowind class buatan prancis?!

  3. bernama mestinya nulis:
    Kilo Class TNI AL Sqn. and SU 35 BM TNI AU Sqn. will begin operations in 2015

  4. Ga beda jauh sama corvette kelas sigma tni al,sama2 dikelas corvette bukan fregate,jumlahpun juga sama 6unit (trmsk PKR). Yang beda di rudal hanudnya kalo sigma pakai rudal mistral kalo malon pakai vls mica dari segi jarak tembak kalah dah sigma,hadewww.... Ga tau kalo yg PKR nanti 2 unit pake vls mica juga tambah rudal yakhont pengganti exocete,baru dah mantap top markotop...

    1. beda gan,gowind bener2 frigate - length 111m,displacement 3000t and fully armed
      PKR sigma - length 105m displacement 2000+t dan gak termasuk SSM kalo gak salah

  5. gowind lebih berotot kebanding sigma :>)

  6. malayshit mah ga usah diperhitungkan lagi, secara jarak kl aja cuma 200an km dr pulau rupat dumai riau, pake astros II aja tinggal pilih istana yang dipertuan agong ato puterajaya yg dijadikan lapangan bola yang luas ;)

  7. LCS itubobotnya diantara fregat dan korvet, dan mission modulenya bisa diganti-ganti sesuai kebutuhan. memang dari luar mirip fregat atau korvet, tapi jeroannya itu yang bikin beda. mending beli LCS daripada fregat, karena mission module dari LCS lebih mudah diubah daripada fregat yang biasanya terpatok pada satu fungsi.
