
Jumat, Juli 26, 2013

Australia Indonesia Sign Memorandum Of Sale For C-130H Hercules

PERTH-(IDB) : Today in Perth, Indonesian Defence Minister Purnomo and I witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Sale between Australia and Indonesia for five C 130H aircraft and associated equipment.

During my visit to Jakarta in April this year, I confirmed that the Australian Government was willing to sell five C-130H aircraft, along with a simulator and spare parts, to Indonesia at a discounted rate.

This offer was in addition to the four C-130H aircraft that Australia is currently in the process of transferring to Indonesia following discussions between our respective leaders in November 2011.

The sale of a further five C-130H transport aircraft will further enhance Indonesia’s capacity to respond to natural disasters and humanitarian crisis.

The Memorandum of Sale was signed by Australia’s Chief of the Defence Force, General Hurley, and Indonesia’s Head of Defence Facilities Agency, Rear Admiral Lubis.

The Memorandum sets out the arrangements for the sale of the five aircraft, simulator and spare parts to Indonesia.

Australia is pleased to continue to assist the development of Indonesia’s airlift capability, which will support humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations.

The sale of these additional aircraft and associated equipment reflects the strength of the bilateral relationship between Australia and Indonesia, and the close ties between the Australian and Indonesian Defence forces.

Source : MinisterDefence

7 komentar:

  1. Jayalah selalu NKRI..... Seken gpp, yg penting diservis rutin ma ganti oli masih kuat buat angkutan ke seluruh penjuru tanah air ini..... Tapi mungkin perlu juga lebih memberdayakan PTDI dengan lebih banyak memesan CN-295, agar research di negeri ini nakin hebat.... Jayalah selalu NKRI

  2. jangan cari sensasi dengan berbahasa bule-lah. . Kasian yang anti bule.

    1. sambil latian basa inggres pak gebes, biar nggak ketipu kontrak...

  3. mumpung sekarang keadaan "relative" aman buat perencanaan kedepan, beli pesawat yg umurnya masih muda!!!

  4. malay bilang "ahh.. sialan kau ausie, kita orang yg susah susah provokator, kantong kau yg tambah tebal".

    ausie bilang "musim panas musim dingin, tak pusing we masih banyak lembaran buat dikipasin, mau?"

  5. Australia resmi akusisi air bus a 400 , indonesia besi tua hercules , bukan jaya indonesia , murdurnya indonesia yataaa....ada uang hanya besi tua di bawak pulang .walahhh...
