
Minggu, Juni 16, 2013

Thales Delivers 1,000th Bushmaster PMV To Australia

DARWIN-(IDB) : The 1,000th Bushmaster vehicle to be produced at Thales Australia’s Bendigo facility will be delivered to the Australian Defence Force this Friday.

The Bushmaster is an Australian success story, delivering for the ADF, the local defence industry and Australia’s domestic manufacturing capability.

Most importantly, the Bushmaster has saved hundreds of Australian lives.

The milestone will be marked at an event at Thales’s Bendigo facility in Victoria, where the 1,000th Bushmaster will be officially handed over to the Department of Defence.

Chris Jenkins, Thales Australia’s CEO, said: “This is a very important day because the Bushmaster has become such a recognised life-saving vehicle thanks to its performance on overseas operations with the ADF and other customers. 

“To have produced 1,000 vehicles is a testament not only to the Bushmaster’s innovative design and technology, but also to the high quality of its manufacturing. This is due to the skills and expertise of the workforce we have in Bendigo, where 200 people are dedicated to ensuring the continued success and evolution of the Bushmaster platform.

“Australian industry has played a vital role in this achievement. There are around 120 companies in the Bushmaster supply chain, many of them local SMEs whose hard work, innovation and commitment to delivery have helped make the Bushmaster what it is today.” 

“Working together, Defence, Thales Australia and our industry partners have created a vital strategic capability, fully proven and ready to produce the next generation light protected vehicle, Hawkei, for the ADF and export markets.”

During the event Thales Australia will also formally launch its partnership with Soldier On and sponsorship of the 2013 Walking With The Wounded South Pole Allied Challenge. 

Walking With The Wounded raises funds to train the wounded, injured and sick, assisting them to find a career outside the military. The Challenge involves three teams of wounded servicemen and women from the UK, US and the Commonwealth (Australia and Canada) racing to the Geographic South Pole in November and December. 

Source : Thales

5 komentar:

  1. kendaraan tempur taktis Australia, anti ledakan pinggir jalan

  2. Namanya doank keren “bushmaster” tapi modelnya mirip mobil ambulance rumah sakit. Udah gitu klo di RPG, personelnya mampus semua kena serpihan kaca. Karena terlalu banyak menggunakan elemen kaca disisi2nya. Beda dengan rantis komodo yg lebih safety dan sekelas humvee (cuma beda dimesinnya, rantis komodo mesinnya mercedez benz. Klo humvee bermesin Hummer)

  3. Ady pratama@ sebagai tambahan, dari semua senapan serbu yang ada di arsenal TNI, menurut saya secara umum yg paling di senangi oleh prajurit TNI adalah senapan serbu "Automatik Kalasnikova" - 47. Pelurunya banyak, besar 7,65mm, nggak gampang rusak / rewel, bandel banget di celup di air laut tetep "mbledor" dan secara ergonomic "pas" banget dg tubuh rata2 prajurit. Secara filosophia AK-47 adalah senyawa dg kalimat prajurit, alias " prasojo, jujur, dan irit"
    Yg beruntung mendapat senapan serbu produk AK adalah Brimob dg senapan serbu hebat yaitu ; AK -74 varian 101, 105.
    Sedangkan Ton Taipur Kostrad memakai AK - 74, 105 laras pendek dg moncong melebar seperti moncomg senjata "Bren Mk 2 " jadul.
    Kapan kita juga menggunakan senjata jenis ini lagi, yg telah menaikkan adrenalin prajurit TNI, apalagi kalau dilengkapi dg RPD / RPK dg magazijn seperti kaleng sarden dengan isi 100 peluru.
    Prajurit KKO dulu, kalau lagi menggertak lawan selalu teriak ; " Belum pernah dengar RPD nyanyi" he....he...he....senapan mesin ringan kok nyanyi, dul !!!!!!
    Ini "Boleroes11" heh, opo abamu. He....he....he.....

    1. Kakang Bole.. AK47 emang senapan legenda kesukaannya banyak prajurit termasuk paman sy yg sdh pensiun jadi KKO. Sayang setelah pensiun senapan itu ndak boleh dijadikan kenang2an, jadinya sy hanya dapat sepatu lars kulit kebo. Kakang Ady Pratama terimakasih sdh mencintai produk dlm negeri -walau mesin msh impor dr Jerman- spt sy jg bangga dgn produk2 PT Pindad, spt Komodo, Anoa, SS1-2-3, dll. Mohon pencerahannya Kakang Bole, ada ndak senapan yg amunisinya hanya proyektil (selain senapan angin) sj yg di dlm proyektil itu baru berisi serbuk mesiu. Kalau kebanyakan senapan api kan amunisinya berupa selongsong yg di dlmnya diisi serbuk mesiu trus diujungnya baru diisi proyektil, untuk melontarkan proyektil itu melewati laras senapan hanya perlu menjintak bokong dubur dari amunisi, jeduaarrr!. Maaf bahasaku kacau kang.

  4. Ga ada bedanya tuh ma bus PPD atau DAMRI yg didandani lapis baja...wkwkwkwk
