
Selasa, Juni 10, 2014

Brazilian Army Inducts ASTROS II Mk-6 MLRS

BRAZIL-(IDB) : The Brazilian Army on 6 June officially received the initial vehicles for the first of three batteries of the ASTROS II (Artillery Saturation Rocket System) Mk-6 multiple launch rocket system (MLRS).

The fleet delivered so far includes six 6x6 universal multiple launching vehicles (AV-LMU), one 6x6 ammunition resupply vehicle (AV-RMD), one 4x4 command-and-control post (AV-PCC), and one 4x4 meteorological mobile station (AV-MET).

Brazil purchased the weapons from local company Avibras under the army's ASTROS 2020 Strategic Project.

The ASTROS 2020 project also covers Avibras' development of the AV-TM 300 tactical cruise missile - with a maximum range of 300 km - and AV-SS-40G guided rocket, as well as a contract to upgrade three batteries of the army's ASTROS II Mk-3s.

Source : Jane's

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