
Sabtu, Juli 27, 2013

Russian Offers Antey-2500 Advance Anti Ballistik Missile For Iran Military

MOSCOW-(IDB) : Russian President Vladimir Putin may visit Tehran next month, according to a newspaper report. Among other things he is to discuss with Iran’s new president is a possible deal to supply advanced antiballistic missiles Antey-2500 (S-300VM) to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Putin is expected to fly to Iran on August 12 to meet in person the country’s newly-elected President Hassan Rouhani, reports the Russian business daily Kommersant citing anonymous sources. Iran's Mehr news agency said Putin would arrive on August 16, without citing a source.

The trip would probably be the first visit of a foreign head of state to the country after Rouhani is sworn in on August 4 and replaces Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the head of Iranian government.

The two leaders are likely to discuss a number of pressing political and economic issues from Iran’s controversial nuclear program to Russia’s participation in the expansion of Iran’s Bushehr nuclear power plant, the report says. Among them is a possible arms deal, which is certain to draw objections from some countries.

Russia is offering Iran to purchase S-300VM Antey-2500 air defense systems, according to defense industry sources.

Military experts believe that the Antey-2500 deal would be more attractive to Tehran. The system was tailored to intercept tactical ballistic missiles. A possible Israeli attack on Iran is expected to start with a massive missile attack on Iran’s key air defense sites and military air bases before follow-up airstrikes at its fortified nuclear enrichment facilities. S-300VMs are well-suited to counter this threat, Kommersant said.

The S-300VM "Antey-2500" (NATO reporting name SA-23 Gladiator\Giant) is a Russian-made anti-ballistic missile system designed and manufactured by the Company Almaz-Antey. The S-300VM has a maximum target detection range of up to 250 km, with aerodynamic target engagement envelope of up to 200 km (range) and altitude from 250 m. to 30 km. It can engage simultaneously up to 24 targets and up to 48 guided missiles.

Source : Army

10 komentar:

  1. Kapan ya RI punya ini ???

    *mimpi sampe ngiler.

  2. (h) ntar kalo APBN udah kuat ekonomi semakin membaik..pasti juga akan dimiliki..positif thinking aja..pren ^_^

  3. rudal buatan russia ini emang cakep bener loh x-)

  4. klau mau ngimpi boleh, ayo kita ngimpi rame2.........

  5. Pertahanan udaranya baru mau beli Oerlikon. Klo Malon beli S300 pasti kita beli minimal yg setarap biasa kita nunggu ditonjok dulu. MBT z yg beli duluan kan Malon awalnya kita cukup puas dg scorpion yg gk bisa dipake karena diembargo baru Indonesia ketar ketir nyari yg setarap y dilirik lah si Leopard. Malon beli sukoi baru kita juga beli pokoknya biasa kita harus kalah dlu setahap baru mikirin pengen beli begitupun kapal selam kita ketar ketir nyari kapal selam setelah Malon beli... kaya maling sama polisi, polisi suka kalah setahap dari Maling Malingsia.. :-d

    1. btul bro, dsar pemimpin ababil udah bonyok bru nyadar......

  6. kalo lagi aman duit pada dikorup abis. kalo lagi ketar ketir musuh in front of the door panik nggak ada alutsista duitpun masih lama. akrinya beli dlm kepanikan, hibah, beli second no quality but quantity. kok jadi ngrasani oknum pemerintah ni...

  7. sita semua aset para korutor,potong gaji para anggota DPR,gencarkan pemasukan dari pajak,termasuk evaluasi kerjasama dengan perusahaan asing yg jelas" merugikan indonesia...maka kita dapat memenuhi dan melindungi hak semua rakyat

  8. Puh kapan RI ajeng tumbas potelot singoteniku...???...lek saget enggal" mawonlo,sak derenge msa jabatane njenengan telas...amargi niki rakyat RI pun puengen sak estu lo,kagem pagere NKRI?...
