
Jumat, November 04, 2011

TNI AL Gelar Pasukan dan Unsur Latihan Armada Jaya XXX/11

SURABAYA-(IDB) : Komando Armada RI Kawasan Timur (Koarmatim) menggelar latihan Armada Jaya (AJ) XXX/11, latihan perang yang melibatkan kekuatan darat, laut dan udara itu akan dilaksanakan mulai dari Alur Pelayaran Barat Surabaya (APBS), Laut Jawa, Selat Makasar, Perairan Pulau Laut, Perairan Sanggata dan Laut Sulawesi yang masuk dalam Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI) II.

Latihan besar-besaran ini rencananya akan disaksikan langsung oleh Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Suparno dan beberapa pejabat teras di lingkungan TNI Angkatan Laut lainnya. Latihan ini berlangsung mulai tanggal 24 Okotober dan akan berakhir tanggal 21 November 2011.

Dalam gelar pasukan yang dilaksanakan di dermaga Madura pagi ini, Jumat (4/11), Panglima Komando Armada RI Kawasan Timur (Pangarmatim) Laksda TNI Ade Supandi, SE. selaku Direktur Latihan akan memeriksa secara langsung kesiapan seluruh unsur-unsur yang terlibat dalam latihan Armada Jaya XXX/11.

Unsur- unsur yang terlibat dalam latihan berskala besar ini adalah 22 Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia (KRI) dari berbagai type termasuk 3 kapal “ Sigma Class” buatan Belanda dan kapal selam, Pesawat udara 4 Nomad N-22/24, 4 Cassa NC 212, 2 Heli Bell, 1 Heli BO-105, 1 Batalyon Tim Pendarat (BTP) 12 Tank Amphibi, 28 Unit Kendaraan Tempur (Ranpur) APC, KAPA 8 Unit, BPV-2 4 Unit,  RM 70 G2 Unit, PK 18 Unit, Truck 34 Unit, Ambulance 2 Unit.

Selama perjalanan dari pangkalan Surabaya atau APBS seluruh unsur yang terlibat dalam latihan ini akan melaksanakan latihan berbagai macam peran baik peran tempur, peran bahaya udara, peran bahaya permukaan, peran bahaya bawah air serta peran-peran lainnya.

Di Laut Jawa unsur-unsur yang tergabung dalam latihan akan melaksanakan latihan menembak yang dengan berbagai macam senjata, mulai dari meriam Kaliber 12,7 mm sampai meriam dengan  Kaliber 120 mm.

Tujuan digelarnya latihan ini adalah untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kesiapan komponen Sistem Senjata Armada Terpadu (SSAT) dan profesionalisme prajurit matra laut dalam menghadapi dan mengantisipasi ancaman yang dapat mengganggu Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI).

 Sumber : Koarmatim

AASYWEX 006 Antara KRI SIM 367 Dengan FGS Ensdorf M-1094

BEIRUT-(IDB) : KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda  (SIM) 367 melaksanakan latihan bersama FGS Endsdorf M-1094 di Area Maritime Operation (AMO). Latihan peperangan Anti Asimetris atau Anti Asymmetric Warfare Exercise (AASYWEX) merupakan program Internal Training MTF selama bertugas dalam Task Force 448.AASYWEX 006 yang dilaksanakan di Zona 3 Beirut kali ini merupakan kombinasi simulasi ancaman baik dari permukaan yang diperankan oleh RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) KRI SIM sebagai FIAC (Fast Inshore Attack Craft) maupun ancaman udara dari Heli BO-105 NV 409 sebagai LSF (Low Slow Flyer).

KRI SIM bertindak sebagai OCS (Officer Conducting Serial) sekaligus controller kedua simulasi ancaman asimetris dan FGS Ensdorf yang melaksanakan pertahanan anti asimetris sesuai dengan doktrin nasional AL Jerman. Latihan dilaksanakan dalam dua kali run bagi LSF dan satu run bagi FIAC. Heli BO 105 NV 409 c/s GARUDA melaksanakan dua kali run dengan menampilkan Profil penerbangan 1 ( friendly) dan penerbangan 4 (suspect). Sedangkan RHIB KRI SIM c/s BARRACUDA melaksanakan pendekatan ke FGS Ensdorf dngan kecepatan tinggi menggunakan profil 5 (Hostile).

Latihan AASYWEX 006 antara KRI SIM dan FGS Endorf berjalan dengan baik, semua simulasi ancaman dapat diantisipasi oleh FGS Ensdorf melalui prosedur air warning terhadap GARUDA maupun surface warning terhadap BARRAKUDA dengan isyarat radio telephonie maupun isyarat visual.

Sumber : Koarmatim

Air Force Modernization Takes B-2 to North Pole

USA-(IDB) : A B-2 Spirit flew from here to the North Pole and back Oct. 27 on a mission to test the aircraft's hardware and software upgrades, endurance and its performance at extremely high latitudes.

The 18-plus hour mission consisted of developmental and operational test points to prove that the B-2's software upgrade works well and is able to operate anywhere in the world.

"A goal of the test force is to prevent a situation where an aircraft experiences an anomaly with a new system for the first time in an operational mission," said Lt. Col. Hans Miller, the 419th Flight Test Squadron commander. "This flight to the North Pole could reveal data and lessons that were not seen in a lab or simulated environment."

Although the B-2 has been to the North Pole in simulated tests, this is the first time the aircraft has physically travelled there, marking a milestone in B-2 testing, officials said.

"This is the first time the B-2 has operated at this extreme of latitude before, and (I believe) the longest flight so far for this hardware and this software," said Maj. Michael Deaver, the 31st Test and Evaluation Squadron's B-2 Extremely High Frequency Test director. "Being a global bomber, it may be required to operate at extreme latitudes, if not where the target is, but possibly for the flight path it'll take to get there."

The mission worked to verify that the software upgrades, which include new communication and new navigation equipment, still allows the B-2 to operate effectively anywhere in the world, test officials said.

"The main objective of this mission is to look at how the software and hardware works over a long duration (of time)," said 1st Lt. Derek Moore, a test conductor assigned to the 419th Flight Test Squadron. "We try to push the limits of the aircraft and come back and make sure that operationally, it can still meet objectives."

The operational portion of this mission consisted of releasing four unguided BDU-38 bombs over the precision impact range area here after the flight, officials said. According to Deaver, one of the biggest objectives was to make sure that the aircraft knew where it was and that it could get to a weapons release point.

To get to that point, extensive coordination throughout the 419th FLTS, Bomber Combined Task Force and other Edwards AFB assets, as well as outside support including the Department of State, was necessary for a successful mission, test officials said.

"Support from the Air Force Flight Test Center allowed us to use the (412th FLTS) as a resource, which served as an airborne control room and communication hub," said Jeremiah Farinella, a 419th FLTS test conductor and operations engineer. "That allowed us to troubleshoot some issues that we saw when we were airborne and provided us communication back to Edwards (Air Force Base), which was essential to our success and allowed the pilots to stay focused on the mission."

Officials at Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash., provided a KC-135 Stratotanker for aerial refueling support, Farinella said. The tanker refueled the B-2 over Alberta, Canada, to ensure that the B-2 could complete the endurance portion (of the mission). The B-2 was further supported with fuel from a second KC-135 from here that helped ensure that the B-2 could complete the operational portion of the polar mission.

"We had an incredible team that went with us, lessened our workload greatly and contributed to the fact that we were able to get up there and back safely and really lowered the risk of the mission for us," said Maj. Andrew Murphy, a B-2 experimental test pilot assigned to the 419th FLTS.

Flight test helps find problems early on so that they can be fixed before aircraft end up in the field, Murphy said.

"The warfighter needs to know where they can and can't go," he said. "Essentially, we've proven the fact that they can get up into those (high) latitudes safely and effectively. That previously was a question mark."

Ensuring that the B-2 maintains its legacy capabilities contributes to the greater Air Force mission, Farinella said.

"It's a very good cross-check to ensure that we maintain global vigilance and can strike any target in the world at any time, providing overall global combat power." Farinella said.

Sumber : Defencetalk

Army Rolls Out First Apache Block III Aircraft

BOEING-(IDB) : The first Apache Block III helicopter was delivered to the Army today during a ceremony at the Boeing plant here in which the aircraft was rolled out on stage under bright lights and a wisp of generated smoke.

Hundreds of industry, government and military officials attended the event in which two of the new AH-64 aircraft were actually delivered to the Army ahead of schedule. The first Block III helicopter was finished about a week early and the second about a month ahead of schedule, according to David Koopersmith, Boeing Attack Helicopter Programs vice president.

"It's an amazing game-changer," said Maj. Gen. Tim Crosby about the new Apache. Crosby, the Army's program executive officer for aviation, went on to say during a press conference that no other helicopter in the world could match the Apache Block III.

The new attack helicopter has a stronger engine, improved avionics, better computer-networking capability and increased maneuverability when compared to current Apaches, officials said.

The Block III Apache features a 701D engine, composite rotor blades, a "Rotorcraft Drive System of the 21st Century" known as RDS-21, Face Gear Transmission and High Performance Shock Strut advanced landing gear.

"It's like flying an Appaloosa stud," said Lt. Col. Dan Bailey, Apache Block III program manager, who said he had experience as a youth breaking horses.

"This aircraft is so much faster and stronger than anything we've had in the past," Bailey said.

Bailey said he used to compare the Block III to the older Apache models by saying it was like driving a sports car compared to a sedan. But after flying the newest aircraft configuration, he said it's much more than that.

"Flying the Block III is truly like trying to hold back that Appaloosa stud," Bailey said. "He always wants to go."

The first two Apache Block III aircraft will replace current prototypes and be flown by test pilots from the Redstone Test Center in Alabama. The helicopters will at first be kept at the Boeing complex in Mesa, Ariz., where pilots and engineers from Redstone will work with them. Then one of the two new helicopters may eventually be placed at Redstone Arsenal, officials said.

The next five helicopters are scheduled to be finished in March and will be fielded to the 1st Attack Reconnaissance Bn., 1st Aviation Regiment at Fort Riley, Kan. The unit is part of the 1st Infantry Division and is slated to be at initial operating capability with the Apache Block III helicopters by the first quarter of fiscal year 2013, officials said. They said it's likely the 1/1st will deploy to Afghanistan with the aircraft soon after that.

The 1st Battalion, 229th Aviation Regiment at Fort Hood, Texas, is the next unit tentatively scheduled to be fielded with the Apache Block III. But that could change, Army officials were quick to point out.

Overall, the Army plans to acquire 690 Block III Apaches between now and 2026 at a production rate of roughly two battalions per year, beginning in fiscal year 2013. Some of these will be re-manufactured aircraft and some built completely new. Crosby did add that the "constrained budget environment" over the next few years could affect the acquisition rate.

"We've got to think of this as part of the overall modernization strategy of the Army today," Crosby said of the Apache Block III.

Plans also exist to field the Apache Block III with U.S. allies such as Taiwan. The Taiwan government has a contract for 30 of the new aircraft to be fielded over a 12-month period. Officials added that other coalition nations have requested demonstrations of the new aircraft's capabilities.

Sumber : Defencetalk

2.500 Marinir Latihan Perang di Kutai Timur

KUTAI-(IDB) : Sebanyak 2.500 prajurit Korps Marinir (Pasmar-1) Surabaya Jawa Timur akan dikirim untuk mendukung kekuatan Perang Armada Jaya XXXI-11 yang akan digelar di Pantai Sekerat Kabupaten Kutai Timur, Kalimantan Timur, 10 November 2011.

Menurut Komandan Pangkalan TNI AL Sangata, Letkol Laut Yudhi Bramantyo, di Sangata, kamis,3/11, jumlah 2.500 marinir dari Pasukan Marinir (Pasmar) 1 Surabaya yang terdiri dari 1 BTP (Brigade Tim Pendarat beserta seluruh unsur Kesenjatan dan bantuan administrasi
"Prajurit Korps Marinir jajaran Pasmar-1, nantinya akan melakukan berbagai atraksi tempur seperti, beladiri militer, parameter tempur, simulasi pendaratan pasukan dan artileri serta teknik penyapuan ranjau"katanya kepada Wartawan diruang kerjanya.
Letkol Laut Yudhi Bramantyo, mengatakan, Operasi Amfibi (opsfib) di perairan pantai Sekerat abupaten Kutai Timur Kalimantan Timur dengan sandi ?Armada Jaya XXX/11  yang dibuka oleh Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Soeparno bertempat di Gedung Puslatkaprang Kolat Koarmatim Ujung Surabaya.

Rencananya akan hadir langsung Panglima TNI Laksamana Agus Suhartono dan Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (KASAL) Laksamana TNI Soeparno, Panglima Armada Barat, panglima Armana Timur, dan Koarmar dan Kobangtikal Panglima akan didampingi Panglima Komandao Armada Indonesia Kawasan Barat, (Pangarmabar) Laksamana Muda TNI Didit Herdiawan, MPA., MBA, Panglima Komando Armada Indonesia Kawasan Timur (Pangarmatim), Laksamana Muda TNI Ade Supandi SE,  Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Soeparno, Komandan Korps Marinir Mayjen TNI (Mar) M.Alfan Baharudin beserta pejabat teras Korps Marinir

"Panglima dan  petinggi TNI AL akan hadir, karena Kutai Timuri adalah latihan terbesarnya TNI AL dengan nama Armada Jaya ke-30 Tahun 2011, yang akan akan melibatkan seluruh Komando Utama Operasi TNI AL dan unsur pendukungnya seperti Pomal, Kesehatan," kata Komandan Lanal Sangata Letkol Laut Yudhi Bramantyo

Komandan Lanal Sangata Letkol Laut Yudhi Bramantyo mengatakan, latihan Armada Jaya merupakan latihan puncak tahunan TNI AL yang bertujuan untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kesiapan komponen Sistem Senjata Armada Terpadu (SSAT).
Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Soeparno,dalam sambutannya, kata   Letkol Laut Yudhi Bramantyo  mengatakan, Operasi Amfibi (opsfib) Armada Jaya XXX/11 merupakan sarana untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme prajurit matra laut dalam rangka menghadapi dan mengantisipasi kemungkinan ancaman yang dapat mengganggu kedaulatan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

"Dipilihnya Perairan Sekerat Kutai Timur  Kalimantan Timur dan sekitarnya sebagai skenario, karena didasari pertimbangan strategis yang dikaitkan dengan kemungkinan potensi konflik yang terjadi sebagai pengaruh dinamika lingkungan strategis yang cepat dan dinamis," kata Letkol Laut Yudhi Bramantyo, menirukan pernyataan Laksamana TNI Soeparno. 

Sumber : Antara