
Rabu, Mei 18, 2011

Menhan Terima Kunjungan Anggota Parlemen Bid. Pertahanan Korea

JAKARTA-(IDB) : Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Purnomo Yusgiantoro dengan didampingi Dirjen Strahan Kemhan Mayjen TNI Puguh Santoso, S.Ip dan Kapuskom Publik Kemhan Kol. Inf. Hartind Asrin, Rabu (11/5) menerima kunjungan kehormatan anggota Parlemen Bidang Pertahanan Rep. Korea (Defense Committee of the National Assembly Rep. Korea) Park Sang-Chun beserta rombongan di kantor Kemhan, Jakarta.

Maksud kunjungannya kali ini seperti disampaikan salah seorang delegasi parlemen bidang Pertahanan Rep. Korea yang sekaligus juga pengamat militer adalah untuk meningkatkan hubungan kerjasama kedua negara di semua sektor kehidupan seperti bidang perekonomian tetapi lebih khusus adalah kerjasama di bidang pertahanan. Selain itu disampaikan kepada Menhan juga bahwa kerjasama kedua negara yang dibangun selama ini didasarkan pada azas saling percaya.

Menjawab hal tersebut, Menhan menyatakan bahwa kerjasama di bidang pertahanan yang telah terjalin antara Indonesia dengan Rep. Korea selama ini sudah cukup baik terlebih lagi Indonesia saat ini sedang membangun industri pertahanan. Untuk itu dukungan Korea dalam membangun industri pertahanan Indonesia sangatlah penting dan Menhan menyatakan kepuasannya atas kerjasama yang telah dibangun selama ini antara kedua negara di sektor industri pertahanan.

Menhan menambahkan bahwa beberapa alutsista Indonesia merupakan hasil produksi industri pertahanan Korea dan beberapa hal yang patut mendapat penghargaan diantaranya mengenai sistem jual beli. Selain itu juga kesediaan Rep. Korea dalam Transfer of Technology (ToT) serta kesediaannya bersama-sama dengan Indonesia dalam membangun proyek industri pertahanan Indonesia.

Dijelaskan Menhan bahwa dalam lima tahun ini Indonesia memiliki anggaran sekitar $ 7 miliar untuk membangun kekuatan pertahanan Indonesia yaitu kekuatan darat, udara dan laut. Untuk itu Menhan berharap dengan anggaran yang dimiliki, Indonesia dapat menemukan mitra yang memahami keinginan Indonesia untuk membangun industri pertahanannya. 
Sumber: DMC

SBY Diminta Desak Singapura Selamatkan 13 WNI ABK Gemini

Kapal MT Gemini milik Singapura yang dibajak perompak Somalia
JAKARTA-(IDB) : Wakil Ketua Komisi Pertahanan dan Luar Negeri DPR, Tubagus Hasanuddin, meminta Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono mendesak Pemerintah Singapura untuk segera menyelamatkan kapal MV Gemini. Ada 13 warga Indonesia yang menjadi awak kapal berbendera Singapura itu.

"Pemerintah harus 'G to G' (government to government) minta tolong selamatkan 13 WNI kita. Presiden juga bisa mendesak Pemerintah Singapura," kata Hasanuddin kepada wartawan di Gedung DPR, Rabu 11 Mei 2011.

Sabtu, 30 April 2011 lalu kapal berbendera Singapura, MV Gemini, dirompak lanun Somalia di wilayah perairan Afrika Utara. Sebanyak 25 awak disandera, 13 di antaranya adalah warga Indonesia. Belum diketahui bagaimana kondisi ABK asal Indonesia itu. Sejauh ini, Pemerintah Indonesia hanya menunggu langkah Singapura.

Hasanuddin tak memungkiri bahwa pihak yang paling berkompeten untuk memimpin operasi penyelamatan kapal Gemini adalah Pemerintah Singapura. Pasalnya, kapal itu berbendera Singapura. Adapun posisi Indonesia hanya membantu. 

Meski demikian, politikus PDI Perjuangan ini menganggap soal itu seharusnya tak menjadi hambatan bagi Pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengusahakan penyelamatan 13 warganya. "Atas permintaan Singapura, kita bisa bantu. Nanti apakah kita di depan atau di belakang, itu terserah Singapura," kata dia.

Sumber: Tempo

“Perang Dengan Israel Tidak Dapat Dihindari”

KAIRO-(IDB) : Seorang pengamat terkemuka Mesir, Mahyuddin Halami al-Ghandur menyatakan bahwa generasi revolusioner Mesir tidak menilai penting kesepakatan Kamp David, dan generasi tersebut meyakini bahwa perang dengan Israel merupakan hal yang tidak dapat dihindari.
Al-Ghandur dalam wawancaranya dengan kantor berita Fars hari ini (17/5) menyinggung hubungan Mesir dan rezim Zionis Israel seraya menekankan bahwa kesepakatan perdamaian kedua pihak tidak berarti. 

Pengamat Mesir itu menjelaskan bahwa saat ini Duta Besar Israel telah meninggalkan Mesir dan rakyat revolusioner terus mendesak pemerintah untuk segera mengakhiri kerjasamanya dengan Israel dan menghentikan ekspor gas ke Tel Aviv. 

Ditambahkannya, masalah ini sangat jelas bahwa generasi revolusioner Mesir menentang Israel dan perang dengan rezim Zionis merupakan hal yang tidak dapat dihindari. 

Menurutnya, dalam 30 tahun terakhir Mesir di bawah pemerintahan rezim yang sepenuhnya menjadi antek-antek Israel, namun kini, Mesir telah meraih kembali posisinya sebagai pemimpin dunia Arab. 

Kedalaman Strategis Iran-Mesir

Terkait masalah hubungan Iran dan Mesir, al-Ghandur mengatakan, kedua negara memiliki peran penting dan Amerika Serikat tidak ingin keduanya menjalin kerjasama konstruktif.

Dikatakannya, "Jika Anda mengikuti perkembangan terbaru, maka Anda akan mengetahui bahwa negara-negara Teluk (Persia) sangat mendesak Mesir agar tidak memulihkan hubungannya dengan Iran. Hubungan Iran dengan negara-negara Teluk Persia sangat baik lalu mengapa mereka menginterferensi hubungan Tehran-Kairo? Karena ini semua adalah program Amerika Serikat." 

"Negara-negara Teluk Persia tidak berarti. Mereka sama dengan angka nol. Seberapa banyak penambahan angka nol, tetap hasilnya nol. Namun jika negara-negara tersebut ditambah dengan Iran, maka tidak akan terjadi apa-apa. Iran berangka benar, dan jika ditambah nol, hasilnya adalah angka Iran," ungkap al-Ghandur. 

"Poinnya adalah bahwa Mesir juga merupakan angka benar dan jika ditambah dengan Iran, maka hasilnya akan semakin besar. Dan ini yang tidak diinginkan Amerika Serikat" jelas al-Ghandur. 

Jika hubungan Iran dan Mesir pulih, al-Ghandur menegaskan bahwa seluruh masalah akan berubah. Kedua negara memiliki peran sangat strategis dan Amerika Serikat menyadari fakta tersebut. Berbeda dengan negara-negara Arab lain di Teluk Persia, mereka semua tidak bernilai karena angka mereka tetap nol. 

Sumber: Irib

Popularitas Israel Merosot di PBB

NEW YORK-(IDB) : Mantan Duta Besar rezim Zionis Israel untuk PBB mengatakan, Amerika Serikat tidak tertarik untuk memveto kemungkinan pengakuan PBB terhadap negara Palestina.
"AS tidak tertarik untuk memveto pengakuan PBB terhadap sebuah negara Palestina," kata Gabriela Shalev seperti dikutip harian Israel, Haaretz pada hari Selasa (17/5).

Dia mengatakan, PBB saat ini adalah podium utama untuk melakukan kegiatan terhadap Israel. Ditambahkannya, status Israel di badan dunia ini berada pada level terendah sepanjang sejarah.

"Israel tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk berurusan dengan gerakan rakyat Palestina di Majelis Umum PBB," jelas Shalev.

Sebelumnya, Kepala Otorita Ramallah Mahmoud Abbas mengatakan ia akan meminta Majelis Umum PBB untuk mengakui negara Palestina pada bulan September mendatang.

Lebih dari 100 negara secara resmi telah mengakui Palestina sebagai sebuah negara berdasarkan perbatasan tahun 1967, batas-batas yang ada sebelum Israel merebut timur al-Quds (Yerusalem), Tepi Barat, dan Jalur Gaza.

Palestina tampaknya memiliki pendukung mayoritas di Majelis Umum, tetapi mereka tidak mungkin untuk memperoleh kemajuan di Dewan Keamanan PBB, di mana AS secara rutin memveto langkah-langkah anti-Israel.

Wakil AS di PBB pada bulan Januari menyatakan sikap yang mengutuk tindakan sepihak untuk menyatakan atau mengakui negara Palestina. 

Sumber: Irib

Malaysia to upgrade Hornets

MALAYSIA-(IDB) : A request has been made via the US FMS programme for the mid-life upgrade of the F/A-18D Hornets and the purchase of 6 ATFLIR.

Since the whole programme has an estimated cost of US$72 million (RM301 million) and the ATFLIR pods cost around US$3 million each (RM9 million) much of the money will probably go towards the Hornets MLU, which is about time I might add.

From other Hornet user MLUs, we can surmised that our programme will probably add new capabilities to the radar, electronics and capabilities to use the latest munitions including satellite guided weapons such JDAMs and the C7 version of the Amraam. An extension to its service life is also expected. With the MLU, our Hornets will probably soldier on beyond 2020. 

Perhaps another FMS request for the new munitions will be made soon.

From DSCA:

Malaysia request for Hornet MLU

WASHINGTON, May 12, 2011 � The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress today of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Malaysia for upgrades to existing F/A-18D aircraft, as well as associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $72 million.

The Government of Malaysia has requested the procurement and integration of a Mid Life Upgrade to existing F/A-18D aircraft including six (6) AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR Pods. Also included are software development, system integration and testing, test sets, aircrew and maintenance training, support equipment, spares and repair parts, publications, technical documentation, U.S. Government and contractor technical, logistics, engineering support services, and other related elements of program support. The estimated cost is $72 million.

This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a friendly country that has been, and continues to be, an important force for political stability and economic progress in East Asia.

Malaysia needs these assets to support future coalition operations and aircraft interoperability with the U.S. and other regional partners. This will upgrade the current FLIR pod to a current configuration, reducing obsolescence issues, and aligning the Malaysian Navy with functionality similar to the U.S. Navy.

The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The principal contractor will be The Boeing Company in St. Louis, Missouri.

There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this sale will require the temporary travel of approximately eight contractor representatives to Malaysia for installation, system validation, and verification of this system along with other upgrade capabilities being integrated and installed simultaneously.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded. 

SBY Diminta Desak Singapura Selamatkan 13 WNI ABK Gemini

Kapal MT Gemini milik Singapura yang dibajak perompak Somalia
JAKARTA-(IDB) : Wakil Ketua Komisi Pertahanan dan Luar Negeri DPR, Tubagus Hasanuddin, meminta Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono mendesak Pemerintah Singapura untuk segera menyelamatkan kapal MV Gemini. Ada 13 warga Indonesia yang menjadi awak kapal berbendera Singapura itu.

"Pemerintah harus 'G to G' (government to government) minta tolong selamatkan 13 WNI kita. Presiden juga bisa mendesak Pemerintah Singapura," kata Hasanuddin kepada wartawan di Gedung DPR, Rabu 11 Mei 2011.

Sabtu, 30 April 2011 lalu kapal berbendera Singapura, MV Gemini, dirompak lanun Somalia di wilayah perairan Afrika Utara. Sebanyak 25 awak disandera, 13 di antaranya adalah warga Indonesia. Belum diketahui bagaimana kondisi ABK asal Indonesia itu. Sejauh ini, Pemerintah Indonesia hanya menunggu langkah Singapura.

Hasanuddin tak memungkiri bahwa pihak yang paling berkompeten untuk memimpin operasi penyelamatan kapal Gemini adalah Pemerintah Singapura. Pasalnya, kapal itu berbendera Singapura. Adapun posisi Indonesia hanya membantu. 

Meski demikian, politikus PDI Perjuangan ini menganggap soal itu seharusnya tak menjadi hambatan bagi Pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengusahakan penyelamatan 13 warganya. "Atas permintaan Singapura, kita bisa bantu. Nanti apakah kita di depan atau di belakang, itu terserah Singapura," kata dia.

Sumber: Tempo

Versatile robot ally for the future

The Rush Demonstrator UGV, with its electro-optical camera and manipulator arm payloads, can carry up to 30kg payloads, tow a 60kg trolley and drag a 30kg load from its rear.
SINGAPORE-(IDB) : Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs), or simply "robots" in lay man terms, are fast shaping the way developed militaries conduct operations. Unlike Unmanned Aerial Vehicles which enable commanders to make key strategic decisions faster and with more accuracy, UGVs are valuable assets in another way.

The Army, which has been looking into UGV technology for about a year, recently unveiled the Rush Demonstrator UGV which aims to address requirements for a future spectrum of operations.

Before the advent of UGVs, repetitive and tedious tasks such as mine clearance and casualty evacuation required sizeable manpower. Imagine an asset which can work autonomously, constantly sweeping the ground to detect and remove land mines, or an automated system that transports wounded soldiers to the nearest medical post.

That asset, comes in the form of a UGV which the United States and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation countries have used to great effect in Iraq and Afghanistan. To put it simply, UGVs proved their worth in performing repetitive but highly dangerous tasks that a soldier would be subjected to as combat operations progress.

Building on success
After achieving success in developing amini-UAV, DSO proceeded to take up the role of developing a UGV tomeet the Army's operational needs. To enhance their capacity tosupport the Singapore Armed Forces' exploration into UGVs for future force development, DSO developed a UGV with a much higher payload capacity for integrated payloads, as well as towed or dragged loads.

Dubbed the "Rush" for its comparatively fast ground speed, the UGV is designed to be a highly robust and deployable system that can potentially cover multiple roles such as forward tactical surveillance, Chemical, Biological,Radiological and Explosive defence, combat support, and even casualty evacuation.

It is currently designed to support two modular mission payloads, the Electro-Optical/Infrared Camera and the Manipulator Arm and Gripper, which are within the maximum allowable payload weight.

An SAF Combat Engineer controlling the Rush Demonstrator UGV using the remote control unit. The Rush Demonstrator has a communication range of beyond 400m to ensure that its operators are at a safe distance away.
Performance for the future

The Rush Demonstrator, which weighs about 40kg, has successfully demonstrated the capacity to carry a 30kg load. It can also tow a 60kg trolley and drag a 30kg load by the rear.

To achieve this impressive power-to-weight ratio for a UGV of this weight class, the design team built the platform using high torque electric motors, which also allow the system to move at a maximum ground speed of 7km per hour.

The system has successfully completed environmental-worthiness tests and demonstrated several engineering innovations by DSO, such as a form-specific integrated circuit board design, common payload connectors and integrated heat sinks.

With its Electro-Optical Camera and Manipulator Arm, the Rush Demonstrator can support certain explosive ordnance disposal tasks and real-time tactical surveillance.

Surpassing expectations

While the team had set out to explore what could be achieved within the local defence science ecosystem, what they eventually came up with exceeded even their own expectations, said Captain (CPT) Gilbert Foo, Weapons Staff Officer, Army Systems Integration Office and officer-in-charge of the Rush Demonstrator Project.

Following the Rush Demonstrator's success, the Army will proceed to go into full-scale development, which will be applied to niche applications.

Robotics are expected to be next revolution in military affairs because of the benefits provided by such systems in countering insurgency warfare. The realisation of key enablers promoting the use of UGVs, such as better networks, artificial intelligence and more efficient approaches to power and energy all make UGVs a viable option for the future, said Colonel (COL) Tan Chor Kiat, Chief Systems Integration Officer.

"We want to position ourselves favourably to capitalise on this potential game changer as this technology matures," said COL Tan.

With so much going for the platform, its future is bright. According to CPT Foo, the Rush Demonstrator has been used in several studies. One example: the 2nd Singapore Infantry Regiment tried the system as part of tactics development under the Army's infantry motorisation studies.

"The study told us a lot about what is needed in a UGV and what isn't, for a particular group and we will leave it to further studies to indicate if something like Rush Demonstrator is needed," added CPT Foo when asked about the system's future.
Building on success
After achieving success in developing amini-UAV, DSO proceeded to take up the role of developing a UGV tomeet the Army's operational needs. To enhance their capacity tosupport the Singapore Armed Forces' exploration into UGVs for future force development, DSO developed a UGV with a much higher payload capacity for integrated payloads, as well as towed or dragged loads.
Dubbed the "Rush" for its comparatively fast ground speed, the UGV is designed to be a highly robust and deployable system that can potentially cover multiple roles such as forward tactical surveillance, Chemical, Biological,Radiological and Explosive defence, combat support, and even casualty evacuation.
It is currently designed to support two modular mission payloads, the Electro-Optical/Infrared Camera and the Manipulator Arm and Gripper, which are within the maximum allowable payload weight.

Performance for the future
The Rush Demonstrator, which weighs about 40kg, has successfully demonstrated the capacity to carry a 30kg load. It can also tow a 60kg trolley and drag a 30kg load by the rear.
To achieve this impressive power-to-weight ratio for a UGV of this weight class, the design team built the platform using high torque electric motors, which also allow the system to move at a maximum ground speed of 7km per hour.
The system has successfully completed environmental-worthiness tests and demonstrated several engineering innovations by DSO, such as a form-specific integrated circuit board design, common payload connectors and integrated heat sinks.
With its Electro-Optical Camera and Manipulator Arm, the Rush Demonstrator can support certain explosive ordnance disposal tasks and real-time tactical surveillance.
Surpassing expectations
While the team had set out to explore what could be achieved within the local defence science ecosystem, what they eventually came up with exceeded even their own expectations, said Captain (CPT) Gilbert Foo, Weapons Staff Officer, Army Systems Integration Office and officer-in-charge of the Rush Demonstrator Project.
Following the Rush Demonstrator's success, the Army will proceed to go into full-scale development, which will be applied to niche applications.
Robotics are expected to be next revolution in military affairs because of the benefits provided by such systems in countering insurgency warfare. The realisation of key enablers promoting the use of UGVs, such as better networks, artificial intelligence and more efficient approaches to power and energy all make UGVs a viable option for the future, said Colonel (COL) Tan Chor Kiat, Chief Systems Integration Officer.
"We want to position ourselves favourably to capitalise on this potential game changer as this technology matures,"
said COL Tan.
With so much going for the platform, its future is bright. According to CPT Foo, the Rush Demonstrator has been used in several studies. One example: the 2nd Singapore Infantry Regiment tried the system as part of tactics development under the Army's infantry motorisation studies.
"The study told us a lot about what is needed in a UGV and what isn't, for a particular group and we will leave it to further studies to indicate if something like Rush Demonstrator is needed," added CPT Foo when asked about the system's future.
Building on success
After achieving success in developing amini-UAV, DSO proceeded to take up the role of developing a UGV tomeet the Army's operational needs. To enhance their capacity tosupport the Singapore Armed Forces' exploration into UGVs for future force development, DSO developed a UGV with a much higher payload capacity for integrated payloads, as well as towed or dragged loads.
Dubbed the "Rush" for its comparatively fast ground speed, the UGV is designed to be a highly robust and deployable system that can potentially cover multiple roles such as forward tactical surveillance, Chemical, Biological,Radiological and Explosive defence, combat support, and even casualty evacuation.
It is currently designed to support two modular mission payloads, the Electro-Optical/Infrared Camera and the Manipulator Arm and Gripper, which are within the maximum allowable payload weight.

Performance for the future
The Rush Demonstrator, which weighs about 40kg, has successfully demonstrated the capacity to carry a 30kg load. It can also tow a 60kg trolley and drag a 30kg load by the rear.
To achieve this impressive power-to-weight ratio for a UGV of this weight class, the design team built the platform using high torque electric motors, which also allow the system to move at a maximum ground speed of 7km per hour.
The system has successfully completed environmental-worthiness tests and demonstrated several engineering innovations by DSO, such as a form-specific integrated circuit board design, common payload connectors and integrated heat sinks.
With its Electro-Optical Camera and Manipulator Arm, the Rush Demonstrator can support certain explosive ordnance disposal tasks and real-time tactical surveillance.
Surpassing expectations
While the team had set out to explore what could be achieved within the local defence science ecosystem, what they eventually came up with exceeded even their own expectations, said Captain (CPT) Gilbert Foo, Weapons Staff Officer, Army Systems Integration Office and officer-in-charge of the Rush Demonstrator Project.
Following the Rush Demonstrator's success, the Army will proceed to go into full-scale development, which will be applied to niche applications.
Robotics are expected to be next revolution in military affairs because of the benefits provided by such systems in countering insurgency warfare. The realisation of key enablers promoting the use of UGVs, such as better networks, artificial intelligence and more efficient approaches to power and energy all make UGVs a viable option for the future, said Colonel (COL) Tan Chor Kiat, Chief Systems Integration Officer.
"We want to position ourselves favourably to capitalise on this potential game changer as this technology matures,"
said COL Tan.
With so much going for the platform, its future is bright. According to CPT Foo, the Rush Demonstrator has been used in several studies. One example: the 2nd Singapore Infantry Regiment tried the system as part of tactics development under the Army's infantry motorisation studies.
"The study told us a lot about what is needed in a UGV and what isn't, for a particular group and we will leave it to further studies to indicate if something like Rush Demonstrator is needed," added CPT Foo when asked about the system's future.
Building on success
After achieving success in developing amini-UAV, DSO proceeded to take up the role of developing a UGV tomeet the Army's operational needs. To enhance their capacity tosupport the Singapore Armed Forces' exploration into UGVs for future force development, DSO developed a UGV with a much higher payload capacity for integrated payloads, as well as towed or dragged loads.
Dubbed the "Rush" for its comparatively fast ground speed, the UGV is designed to be a highly robust and deployable system that can potentially cover multiple roles such as forward tactical surveillance, Chemical, Biological,Radiological and Explosive defence, combat support, and even casualty evacuation.
It is currently designed to support two modular mission payloads, the Electro-Optical/Infrared Camera and the Manipulator Arm and Gripper, which are within the maximum allowable payload weight.

Performance for the future
The Rush Demonstrator, which weighs about 40kg, has successfully demonstrated the capacity to carry a 30kg load. It can also tow a 60kg trolley and drag a 30kg load by the rear.
To achieve this impressive power-to-weight ratio for a UGV of this weight class, the design team built the platform using high torque electric motors, which also allow the system to move at a maximum ground speed of 7km per hour.
The system has successfully completed environmental-worthiness tests and demonstrated several engineering innovations by DSO, such as a form-specific integrated circuit board design, common payload connectors and integrated heat sinks.
With its Electro-Optical Camera and Manipulator Arm, the Rush Demonstrator can support certain explosive ordnance disposal tasks and real-time tactical surveillance.
Surpassing expectations
While the team had set out to explore what could be achieved within the local defence science ecosystem, what they eventually came up with exceeded even their own expectations, said Captain (CPT) Gilbert Foo, Weapons Staff Officer, Army Systems Integration Office and officer-in-charge of the Rush Demonstrator Project.
Following the Rush Demonstrator's success, the Army will proceed to go into full-scale development, which will be applied to niche applications.
Robotics are expected to be next revolution in military affairs because of the benefits provided by such systems in countering insurgency warfare. The realisation of key enablers promoting the use of UGVs, such as better networks, artificial intelligence and more efficient approaches to power and energy all make UGVs a viable option for the future, said Colonel (COL) Tan Chor Kiat, Chief Systems Integration Officer.
"We want to position ourselves favourably to capitalise on this potential game changer as this technology matures,"
said COL Tan.
With so much going for the platform, its future is bright. According to CPT Foo, the Rush Demonstrator has been used in several studies. One example: the 2nd Singapore Infantry Regiment tried the system as part of tactics development under the Army's infantry motorisation studies.
"The study told us a lot about what is needed in a UGV and what isn't, for a particular group and we will leave it to further studies to indicate if something like Rush Demonstrator is needed," added CPT Foo when asked about the system's future.
Building on success
After achieving success in developing amini-UAV, DSO proceeded to take up the role of developing a UGV tomeet the Army's operational needs. To enhance their capacity tosupport the Singapore Armed Forces' exploration into UGVs for future force development, DSO developed a UGV with a much higher payload capacity for integrated payloads, as well as towed or dragged loads.
Dubbed the "Rush" for its comparatively fast ground speed, the UGV is designed to be a highly robust and deployable system that can potentially cover multiple roles such as forward tactical surveillance, Chemical, Biological,Radiological and Explosive defence, combat support, and even casualty evacuation.
It is currently designed to support two modular mission payloads, the Electro-Optical/Infrared Camera and the Manipulator Arm and Gripper, which are within the maximum allowable payload weight.
Performance for the future
The Rush Demonstrator, which weighs about 40kg, has successfully demonstrated the capacity to carry a 30kg load. It can also tow a 60kg trolley and drag a 30kg load by the rear.
To achieve this impressive power-to-weight ratio for a UGV of this weight class, the design team built the platform using high torque electric motors, which also allow the system to move at a maximum ground speed of 7km per hour.
The system has successfully completed environmental-worthiness tests and demonstrated several engineering innovations by DSO, such as a form-specific integrated circuit board design, common payload connectors and integrated heat sinks.
With its Electro-Optical Camera and Manipulator Arm, the Rush Demonstrator can support certain explosive ordnance disposal tasks and real-time tactical surveillance.
Surpassing expectations
While the team had set out to explore what could be achieved within the local defence science ecosystem, what they eventually came up with exceeded even their own expectations, said Captain (CPT) Gilbert Foo, Weapons Staff Officer, Army Systems Integration Office and officer-in-charge of the Rush Demonstrator Project.
Following the Rush Demonstrator's success, the Army will proceed to go into full-scale development, which will be applied to niche applications.
Robotics are expected to be next revolution in military affairs because of the benefits provided by such systems in countering insurgency warfare. The realisation of key enablers promoting the use of UGVs, such as better networks, artificial intelligence and more efficient approaches to power and energy all make UGVs a viable option for the future, said Colonel (COL) Tan Chor Kiat, Chief Systems Integration Officer.
"We want to position ourselves favourably to capitalise on this potential game changer as this technology matures,"
said COL Tan.
With so much going for the platform, its future is bright. According to CPT Foo, the Rush Demonstrator has been used in several studies. One example: the 2nd Singapore Infantry Regiment tried the system as part of tactics development under the Army's infantry motorisation studies.
"The study told us a lot about what is needed in a UGV and what isn't, for a particular group and we will leave it to further studies to indicate if something like Rush Demonstrator is needed," added CPT Foo when asked about the system's future.
Building on success
After achieving success in developing amini-UAV, DSO proceeded to take up the role of developing a UGV tomeet the Army's operational needs. To enhance their capacity tosupport the Singapore Armed Forces' exploration into UGVs for future force development, DSO developed a UGV with a much higher payload capacity for integrated payloads, as well as towed or dragged loads.
Dubbed the "Rush" for its comparatively fast ground speed, the UGV is designed to be a highly robust and deployable system that can potentially cover multiple roles such as forward tactical surveillance, Chemical, Biological,Radiological and Explosive defence, combat support, and even casualty evacuation.
It is currently designed to support two modular mission payloads, the Electro-Optical/Infrared Camera and the Manipulator Arm and Gripper, which are within the maximum allowable payload weight.

Performance for the future
The Rush Demonstrator, which weighs about 40kg, has successfully demonstrated the capacity to carry a 30kg load. It can also tow a 60kg trolley and drag a 30kg load by the rear.
To achieve this impressive power-to-weight ratio for a UGV of this weight class, the design team built the platform using high torque electric motors, which also allow the system to move at a maximum ground speed of 7km per hour.
The system has successfully completed environmental-worthiness tests and demonstrated several engineering innovations by DSO, such as a form-specific integrated circuit board design, common payload connectors and integrated heat sinks.
With its Electro-Optical Camera and Manipulator Arm, the Rush Demonstrator can support certain explosive ordnance disposal tasks and real-time tactical surveillance.
Surpassing expectations
While the team had set out to explore what could be achieved within the local defence science ecosystem, what they eventually came up with exceeded even their own expectations, said Captain (CPT) Gilbert Foo, Weapons Staff Officer, Army Systems Integration Office and officer-in-charge of the Rush Demonstrator Project.
Following the Rush Demonstrator's success, the Army will proceed to go into full-scale development, which will be applied to niche applications.
Robotics are expected to be next revolution in military affairs because of the benefits provided by such systems in countering insurgency warfare. The realisation of key enablers promoting the use of UGVs, such as better networks, artificial intelligence and more efficient approaches to power and energy all make UGVs a viable option for the future, said Colonel (COL) Tan Chor Kiat, Chief Systems Integration Officer.
"We want to position ourselves favourably to capitalise on this potential game changer as this technology matures,"
said COL Tan.
With so much going for the platform, its future is bright. According to CPT Foo, the Rush Demonstrator has been used in several studies. One example: the 2nd Singapore Infantry Regiment tried the system as part of tactics development under the Army's infantry motorisation studies.
"The study told us a lot about what is needed in a UGV and what isn't, for a particular group and we will leave it to further studies to indicate if something like Rush Demonstrator is needed," added CPT Foo when asked about the system's future.
Source: Mindef

Navy to put guards on Thai cargo ships

BANGKOK-(IDB) : The navy will deploy armed guards aboard Thai cargo vessels travelling in the Gulf of Aden under its renewed anti-piracy mission set to start in July this year, navy sources say.
The guards, to be selected from Sea-air-land (Seal) special warfare units and recon servicemen of the Royal Thai Marine Corps, will work in parallel with 369 sailors on two navy ships - HTMS Narathiwat and HTMS Similan.

The 60-strong armed guard unit will put four of its members aboard each Thai vessel to provide protection until it travels out of the piracy-prone sea lanes off Somalia.

Last year, the navy sent 351 sailors and 20 special warfare troops on HTMS Pattani and HTMS Similan to join the 28-country effort to police shipping lanes in the Gulf of Aden between September and January.

The navy mission rescued 23 Thai and Cambodian crew and a Yemeni policeman from a Thai trawler that was sunk in November of that year. The unit was also involved in an operation to help 27 Thai crewmen taken hostage on a cargo ship seized by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean in December.

But their mission was called off in January and the naval vessels were recalled before they could help the victims. All the captured Thai crewmen were later released by the pirates and returned to Thailand in April this year.

The renewed mission, with a 355-million-baht budget approved by the cabinet, is scheduled to start in July and will last three months.

In another development, navy chief Kamthorn Phumhiran has asked Germany to extend the sale period for six second-hand submarines to Thailand for another three months, pending possible approval from a new government, a source said.

The controversial plan has not yet been approved by the Defence Council, a step required before it is forwarded to the cabinet.

"The navy chief will meet the new government again to clarify the need for the submarines and to ask it to approve the deal before his retirement in September," the source said.

Germany has agreed to reduce the price of the submarines from 7.7 billion baht to 7.5 billion baht and will ship them to Thailand in 2013 if the cabinet approves the navy's request.

The navy claims it needs to keep abreast of submarine technology, but its plan to buy the used U-206A submarines has raised doubts if they are worth it and whether it should buy new ones from other countries.

The Defence Ministry previously asked the Foreign Affairs Ministry to comment on the plan. It replied that the purchase would bolster the relationship between Thailand and Germany, the source said.

But he said the Foreign Affairs Ministry could not tell whether or not the German submarines were good because it has no knowledge of the technology.

Source: Bangkok Post

Rusia May Take Action Over US Missile Shield

MOSKOW-(IDB) : Rusia's deputy defense minister has said action could be taken if the United States deploys its new missile defense system near Russia's borders.

In a news conference on Friday, deputy defense minister Anatoly Antonov said the Russian military was looking at ways to "protect our nation if Russia is not consulted in talks with NATO."

"There is not only talk, some serious work is also being done," Antonov said. "The Defense Ministry should allow for the worst possible scenario."

His comments come just hours after Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters in Kazakhstan that the talks were going through a complicated phase.

"So far this matter is proceeding with difficulty, but the [U.S.] Secretary of State [Hillary Clinton] has assured us that measures are being taken on her side," Lavrov said.

Lavrov added that he had met Clinton during an Arctic Council meeting in Greenland on Thursday and had discussed missile defense.

"We agreed that it was necessary to give a political impulse to the work of experts, so that before our two presidents meet in Deauville for the G8 summit it will be possible to set out some results," Lavrov said.

The United States and Romania announced last week a deal to deploy missile interceptors in Romania as part of its plan to erect a missile shield over Europe.

The move immediately drew criticism from Russia, which fears the scheme may compromise its security by weakening its nuclear missile arsenal.

But U.S. Undersecretary of State Ellen Tauscher said Moscow need not worry.

"We have good relations with Russia. We have just ratified the New START treaty, we are working together on various other issues," she was quoted as saying in media reports last week.

"It is a system that will defend NATO and, if Russia chooses to work with us in a cooperative manner, the system will defend Russia, too."

Russia agreed to cooperate on NATO's European missile defense program at a NATO summit in Lisbon last year

Source: Defencetalk

TNI Terapkan Strategi 'Psy War' Hadapi Perompak Somalia

JAKARTA-(IDB) : Tak hanya diberangkatkan untuk operasi pembebasan awak Kapal Kargo Sinar Kudus, Satuan Tugas "Merah Putih" TNI yang dipimpin Komandan Marinir Mayor Jenderal (Mar) Alfan Baharudin ternyata juga menyiapkan strategi "psy war" alias perang urat syaraf menghadapi para perompak.

Strategi ini sebenarnya akan dilakukan setelah pasukan elite TNI, gabungan Detasemen Jala Mengkara (Denjaka) Marinir TNI Angkatan Laut, dan Satuan Penanggulangan Teror Komando Pasukan Khusus TNI Angkatan Darat berhasil menduduki kampung perompak Ceel Dhahanaan (El Dhanan). Kampung yang menjadi basis para bajak laut itu akan diduduki untuk mencegah mereka mengerahkan bantuan saat kapal Sinar Kudus disergap pasukan TNI.

“Jaraknya sangat dekat untuk mengerahkan bantuan,” ujar Alfan kepada Tempo, Jumat 13 Mei 2011. Jarak Sinar Kudus yang tengah lego jangkar hanya sekitar 3,5 Nautical Mile saja dari bibir pantai El Dhanan. Hanya sekitar 15 menit, bala bantuan perompak bisa mencapai Sinar Kudus.

Selain untuk menutup bantuan, menduduki kampung perompak yang hanya berjarak 500-600 meter saja dari bibir pantai itu juga sebagai langkah mengambil bargaining position (posisi tawar) dengan para perompak. Apalagi, menurut Alfan, jika perompak sampai menggunakan 20 awak kapal Sinar Kudus menjadi tameng hidup saat pasukan TNI menyerang.

Seperti apa pernyataan provokasi itu? "Bodoh-bodohnya begini, elu mau bunuh 20 orang Indonesia di kapal? gue habisin nih satu kampung," kata Alfan. "Di sini ada anak, istri lu di situ. Saya yakin dia punya rasa kemanusiaan juga, ada rasa takut.” 
Menurut Komandan Korps Marinir TNI AL ini, “Saya ambil (cara) psikologis itu. Kami akan punya posisi tawar yang sangat tinggi apabila El Dhanan diduduki. Sayangnya itu tidak terjadi.”

Menurut Alfan, pasukan di bawah pimpinannya tak akan menghancurkan kampung perompak El-Dhanan. Kampung itu hanya akan diduduki untuk memberi ultimatum kepada para perompak agar membebaskan kapal Sinar Kudus dan 20 awaknya. “Saya yakin, saya manusia, kalau disuruh milih antara (melepas) keluarga atau sandera, saya pilih (melepas) sandera,” ujar Alfan.

Menurut Alfan, secara taktis militer, menduduki daratan itu dibenarkan sebagai upaya menutup bantuan dari darat. “Karena pasti mereka (perompak) akan memberikan bantuan,” ujarnya. Lagi pula, Pemerintah Somalia juga sudah mengizinkannya.

Untuk mendukung strategi pendudukan Pantai El Dhanan dan menjalankan "psy war" itu, Satgas TNI juga membawa sejumlah peralatan tempur di KRI Yos Sudarso dan KRI Halim Perdana Kusuma yang diberangkatkan ke Somalia. Dua kapal perang TNI AL ini di bawah pimpinan Komandan Gugus Tempur Laut Armada Barat TNI AL, Kolonel (Laut) Taufikurrahman.

Peralatan tempur yang dibawa itu antara lain lima unit tank BNP3F buatan Rusia dan empat unit artileri holitzer milik Marinir. “Semuanya peralatan berat,” kata Komandan Denjaka, Kolonel (Mar) Suhartono, pemimpin opera

Sumber: Tempo